“My granddaughter aged 7 loved this pram that I bought for her birthday. It is very good quality and arrived within 24 hours. I do wish the bag was included though as it is a waste to buy all the extras just for a bag”
“From the beginning to end the process have been faultless and so very easy.
The pram is well made to perfection and my daughter loves it.
I did think it was rather expensive for a toy that my 7 year old may grow out of very soon, but even if she does, I will happily have the confidence to pass it on to a friend or another member of my family when the time comes.
It is a good, sturdy pram, likely to stand the test of time and rigorous play, both in and out doors.
5 star rating!!!!
“Got pram but unfortunately when we went will grand daughter with her new pram all for wheels fell off and I had to carry pram back granddaughter was so upset and it’s not as if she small as she nine hopefully I will be able to get an answer in phone tomorrow regarding my faulty pram”