“One granddaughter already has this pushchair and absolutely loves playing with this and her 'baby' so have purchased one for my other granddaughter. It is so easy and lightweight to collapse and transport. Great price.”
“I chose this buggy for my grandson's 2nd birthday having looked around for one which is a little more boyish than most others on the market. It was delivered the following day, free of charge which is very impressive.
The buggy itself is great, exactly the right size for its recipient, and I'm sure will be very well used.”
“This is the second one I’ve bought it’s a great pushchair my granddaughters love them just the right height . Service and after sakes superb can’t be faulted . This is the 10 th item I’ve had from playlikemum don’t go anywhere else . All superb quality”
“Amazing quality and value for money.
Sturdy and strong and it’s exactly like the real thing. Only for a doll.
Ordering and Delivery is very easy.
Would highly recommend”
“My granddaughter loves her new dolls pram and has spent hours playing with it. It is well made. Delivery was quick with no issues. I would highly recommend this product and company.”
“Read the reviews which were all positive so placed my order which arrived promptly. Very sweet dolls pushchair, just like the real thing only scaled down. Looks well made, with plenty of attention to detail and I really can't wait to give it to my granddaughter for her birthday.”