“Outstanding service. Next day delivery as stated. The pushchair is perfect quality and my daughter absolutely loves it for her twin dollies. Thank you all round”
“I’ve bought this for my granddaughter for Christmas I’ve took it out of box and just had a quick look it looks good to me I bought it because it is high then some other pushchairs she is 6 years old so I’m hoping it will be high enough for her and she will love it I let you know after Christmas”
“Father Christmas (FC) brought this Daisy Chain Double Pushchair for my 5 year old granddaughter. She was delighted that she received something from her list and FC was delighted with the quality of the pushchair and for the service received from Playlikemum. The pushchair is very well made from durable materials and folds up to a compact size for storage.”
“We had an issue with the first buggy ordered, but the customer service was super- and a replacement buggy was sent within a couple of day - even during such a busy time.
Brilliant products and company.”