“Very happy with the customer service received when purchasing this... My daughter loves the pram and hasn't put it down since it came. Its really pretty the only thing I've marked it down for is the wheels. They seem quite cheap and compared to other cheaper prams she's had, I don't think they will last as long, and they don't turn. She was also a tad disappointed it doesn't lay back if her baby gets tired. She loved the raincover though and the fact it really works, so she can now take her pram even when we walk in rainy conditions. I'd definitely buy from here again.”
“Such a lovely pram. Very sterdy when pushing. The handles are adjustable so great for when she grows, she is 6 now. Made me quality material and extremely pretty.”
“We already have the small version that our granddaughter Lily loves but she’s getting too big for....so now her little sister Mia plays with that one and we got this bigger version for Lily’s birthday. It’s exactly the same in every way but it has adjustable handles to grow with her. It’s absolutely delightful and I can imagine taking the pair of them for walks proudly pushing their pushchairs.”
“This is a beautiful pushchair, my grangaughter who turns 4 on the 4th July is going to love it. Favourite colour is red aswell.
It was easy to set up and sturdy, handles can be altered to size, light weight . I'm even thinking of ordering the accessories. I Love it, can't wait to see her face.”
“Lovely pushchair, bought for my 7 year old. Its perfect for her, she is over the moon with it. Excellent quality.
Ordered on a Wednesday and received it Friday of the same week. Excellent communication and tracking information from Play Like Mum, I am very impressed with the service from the ease of ordering to receiving.”
“Really good quality my 3 year old was very happy with her new stroller. I was a bit worried it would be too big but it’s fine and will grow with her now. One small down side is the strap fastening isn’t great and is constantly slipping open, would be better with a plastic clip. Overall great value for money and I would definitely recommend.”