“Bought this for my granddaughter for Christmas. Wanted a coach built model but my gradaughter is very small for her age she was a premature baby weighing just 1lb almost 5 years old now but so small. The coach built ones was too big handle height. Ella-jo will be so pleased with this model can't wait till Christmas morning. Bought the accessory pack to match well worth the money.”
“This is a Christmas present for my little girl so haven’t road tested it so to speak but have had it out of the box and assembled to check all was okay. The pram is beautiful and has a nice feel about it, foam grip handle etc.. The fabric looks to be of decent quality too. My daughter already has a silvercross ranger jr and the difference in quality speaks for itself, it appears far more luxurious in terms of appearance and feel. Obviously time will tell how durable it is. My only niggle is that the box came to me very battered and with part of the pushchair frame sticking out the end where the box has broken in the middle, the tape wasn’t too great either, part of me thinks I’ve been sent a return although there is nothing wrong with the pushchair but it could also be poor currier service (yodel). Ultimately the box isn’t especially important but since it’s a Christmas gift it’s slightly disappointing. However I still love the pushchair from what I have seen of it and think my daughter will be delighted with it on Christmas Day. It was easy to assemble and disassemble. When you consider over dolls prams on the market it’s a lovely pram at a good price.”
“Gorgeous little pram, I love playing with it more than my 3 year old.
Fantastic customer service, initially phoned and my queries were answered, I then went inline and ordered it and received the item the following day with free postage.”
“So very impressed with both the pram and this company. The pram is beautiful in every way and looks like it will be the perfect size for my 6 year old.
The customer service I received was equally impressive. My enquiry was handled with speed along with a dash of humour. A breath of fresh air amongst companies these days. THANK YOU”