“Absolutely perfect set for pram, the bag is a bit on the small size but still a nice wee bag, my daughter is going to love the rain cover at Christmas time”
“I wish you were able to order the bits separately. The umbrella and rain cover are super but the bag is very poor when compared to the one sold separately. I would have purchased if it wasn't for the fact it came in the set. The mattress is also a disappointment and really just bulks the pack out to justify the money.
I'm sure my daughter will love it but I'd have happily paid a bit more and had the tote bag, rain cover and umbrella in a pack.”
“Fantastic edition to the pram. I was disappointed though as the bag and the bedding was and still is very badly creased as it was folded so small. Due to the make and material I am not able to iron it flat. Also the bag has a waterproof inner which would be good to have on the description. Not sure if the separate bag has this too? Shame the rain cover can not be folded small with a tie or something, will have to get some ribbon so it doesn’t take up all the basket space. The parasol is fantastic and this was not creased”