“Excellent! So pleased with this. Love the stylish colour, the ease of opening/closing it, but mostly the sturdy quality. Bought for my granddaughter who is 2 today, she put her dolly in it and started pushing it around straight away, so she's just as pleased as me. I'm sure it will get plenty of use.”
“A bit smaller than expected, but perfect for my two-year-old. I like that it folds, and it's nice and light whilst also being sturdy. Beware of the packaging though - it's delivered in a Silver Cross box with pictures of the buggy on it. It was fortunate that the delivery came quite late in the evening when my children were in bed - if it hadn't, that would have been one Christmas surprise ruined....”
“I have brought this for my granddaughter for Christmas it looks lovely her mummy has one for her baby sister so I'm sure she will love it when she goes to the shops with her mummy.”
“Just like the real thing!
Smaller than expected as recommended for 3/4 year old. Don't be put off as I gave bought it for a 2 year old and it's just the right size.”
“As this pushchair is a birthday gift for my granddaughter, it has not been used yet but I have looked and “put it up” and I’m pleased with the finish and I’m sure she will get much pleasure playing with it and her dollies”