“Bought this for my granddaughter's Christmas. Really good product and cute. Would have prefered a brake on it but apart from that it's good. Excellent service from company too.”
“Its such a well made Dolls Pram and perfect for my Grand daughter. I have now given all three of my Grand children Dolls Prams from Play Like Mum and they couldnt be happier!!”
“Next day delivery, I brought this for my 8 yr old daughter as a birthday gift very good for her size and age as it's hard to get a pram suitable for her height so happy with this pram my daughter loves it”
“Lovely pram, should last a long time. Bigger than most on the market.
Next day delivery as promised.
Had problem with PayPal, but PlaylikeMum helped resolve this very quickly.
Great customer service.”
“The pram was easy to put together and it is now waiting for our grandaughter's birthday. We absolutely love it. If I was to change anything I would have liked a brake on two of the wheels.”