Vision Reviews

4.5 Rating 62 Reviews
I like it
1 Helpful Report
Thank you for your positive review, Richard!
I have not experienced an appreciable difference in my vision. I was hoping to improve based on the reviews.
1 Helpful Report
I can see further with clear vision
2 Helpful Report
This is great to hear, Chimy! Thank you for your positive review.
Finished 1st bottle. Nothing has changed. Hope to see some improvement by end of next bottle.
1 Helpful Report
Difficult to assess this product over a short space of time. If there are positive changes then they are subtle and need to be assess over a longer timespan.
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I'm still taking the supplements haven't notice a difference yet but I'm only a month in so far. Will update in about another month or so.
2 Helpful Report
Vision seems to work good so far, eyes feel stronger!
1 Helpful Report
Didn't find any real difference
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