“I have severe insomnia. And to be honest, nothing has cured it. I do think this product helps. I only sleep at three hour intervals. But I think other factors make me an impossible case.”
“I work nights, and I almost never sleep well during the day. I have light blocking curtains in my bedroom and I maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity level, but still it is difficult for me to get enough uninterrupted sleep.
I started taking melatonin a couple of years ago, trying several different brands and playing with the dosage, but without much success. I decided to try Performance Lab’s Sleep based on the glowing reviews online and an article I read. I have to be honest and say that I have not found it to be any more helpful for me than any of the others I’ve tried. I’m sure it’s me and not the pills, because most people I talk to seem to have much better results with melatonin.
I will continue to take it because of the healthy benefits of melatonin and magnesium, but it doesn’t seem to help me sleep any better during the day. I’ve been taking Sleep for about a month.”
“I've been taking this supplement on and off for a few months now. I don't have problems falling asleep with or without the supplement, My problem is that I often wake up after only 4-5 hours of sleep. I find that if I take 3 of these pills, while I may still wake up prematurely, I generally fall asleep again for a couple of more hours. I don't feel any grogginess or negative side effects from this supplement. So, all in all, I'm pretty happy with it.”
We're pleased to hear you're having some success with Sleep, Steph. Hopefully with continued use, you will see further improvements in the near future. Thank you for your positive review, and take care.