“Having tried several brands I've finally settled on these OTE Anytime bars - Just what I need out on the mountains. They're very tasty and I love all the different flavours, 9 I think. I have my favourites - Chocolate Orange and Cocoa Nibs, but I enjoy all of them.”
“I bought one of these bars sometime ago at a sport event, ever since I've sought them out and keep a supply handy. I've always got a couple in my rucksack. I think they taste like a real flapjack, also the flavours are varied & tasty. They give you a good boost when on trail.”
“Always love these bars they are easy to eat and they settle on my stomach quickly also they don’t break up in to crumble when I’m carrying them before I eat them”
“Having tried many different brands, the OTE anytime bar is so good, perfect for eating on the go, gentle on the stomach whilst providing that essential fuel for big rides.”