Easy Bird Complete Pet Supplement combines the ingredients from Daily Essentials 3, Calcivet Powder, Bio Plus and a small amount from Pro Boost Super Max.
“I bought this for my young parrotlet when she became lethargic, low-energy, sleeping at the bottom of her cage and being really aggressive - which is totally unlike her. I was really concerned. I have used it both prior to and alongside antibiotics from the vet, in her water and sprinkled in her food, and it has completely turned her around.She is completely back to normal, even more energetic and active than before. I really can not recommend it enough, I will definitely be sure to always have some just-in-case. Fantastic product! Not to mention, she really seems to enjoy the taste. As soon as it goes in her water or food, she guzzles it. Would definitely recommend.”
“I would highly recommend Guardian Angel for a poorly bird. I gave this to one of my African Greys as he was under the weather and not himself at all. I have to say it completely surpassed my expectations. Within a few days of having this he started to pick up and he is now back to his normal self. An absolutely brilliant product and I can’t rate it highly enough”
“After 2 days on antibiotics I could see my bird was weakening rapidly and immediately changed the antibiotics for guardian angel. Fortunately I got him in time and he picked up before his next vet visit and was deemed strong enough to finish his course of antibiotics. I have no doubt whatsoever that guardian angel kept him going, I would never be without a supply.”
“My African grey Henry was purchased with Aspergillus he was put on anti fungal meds by our exotic Vet but was still very ill even after months of treatment. I found this product and since then Henry has made a miraculous recovery he is talking again and is back to his normal self. Aspergillus killed his sister but this product saved my Henry and I cannot recommend it enough. Thank you guardian angel you really work!!”
“Bought this to have it in the first aid kit for my budgies, so I cant comment on the efficacy, but based on what everyone says this is a MUST HAVE for any bird person.”
“I am never without guardian angel..i have seen the massive difference it can make..sometimes even keeping a bird stable till you can get them to the avian vet..I would recommend every bird owner to stock a tub of this in their bird first aid kit..”