This Sneakers Groovy Runner Parrot Toy provides lots of foraging fun.
Place and hide your beaky buddy’s favourite foods and treats into the gaps in the groovy blocks, or inside the munch ball, or inside the sneakers. They’ll have loads of fun using their natural foraging skills to locate and retrieve them, when they do, no doubt they’ll taste just that little bit sweeter.
The laces on the sneakers make a great game for puzzle loving Parrots, as they set about trying to untie them. Plus, for more experienced foragers you can use the laces to make getting their rewards even more challenging.
When all the foraging is done for the day, there’s wood pieces for your Parrot to enjoy chewing on. Which helps them keep that ever-growing beak healthy and trim. Plus, bundles of jute rope with hundreds of fibres to be pulled at, picked apart and preened on.
The Sneakers Groovy Runner can easily be connected to your Parrot's cage or play gym stand using the pear link provided.