“After trying loooooads of different sippy cups and my little boy just not getting it. I decided to try the TumTum tots. And omg! What a game changer. My little boy who was 8 months at the time took to it straight away! Picking it up and drinking himself unaided.
It has been a life saver! He’s struggled recently with bronchiolitis again and was refusing fluids unless from me or from his TumTum sippy. So I’m so so thankful and relieved he loves it so much!
Will be ordering more for sure!!”
“I really love the TUM TUM Tippy Up Sippy Cups! It is the only cup my little one will drink a lot out of and as an added bonus they are really cute! Also, easy to clean!”
“My little girl who is now 1 years old was a complete bottle refuser and fully breastfed.
She would only take small sips from other sippy cups.
This has been a game changer for her as she now finishes up to 200ml of water, juice or milk within minutes!”