“ Bought quilt and pillow for my 2 year old granddaughter. It is lovely quality and the pillow is very comfortable. Very pleased with these products.”
“ The second Panda product I'm getting and the satisfaction continues”
Customer Support Experience
“ A fab product. My little girl is toastie as the nights are cooling off without the weight of a thick, heavy duvet”
“ Really lovely duvet especially in the warm weather and the ability to tie the cover to it is genius!”
“ I couldn't sleep very well before because the heat got trapped in, the circulation of the material is great.”
“ The duvet is very heavy for kids, not to mention that the filling inside the duvet is spread unevenly - there is more filling around the quilt edges and very little in the middle.”
Thank you for your feedback and we're sorry to hear this. We're reaching out to you to understand more and work out a solution.
Panda Team.