“The pillow has a good size an high for my 1 year old but It is too soon to decide if she like it or not. The first toddler pillow I received came with a stain on the mesh layer that protects the foam. I asked for a replacement which was an excellent service and super fast, the new pillow arrived the day after ordering the replacement. The difference I noticed was that this time the plastic bag that protects the pillow was sealed and on the first pillow the plastic bag was open. This makes me think that the first pillow was not new.”
“With this purchase, my whole family now has a Panda pillow. They're amazingly comfortable and my young kids (6 and 4) love them. They've sorted out my neck problems and we now take them with us when we stay over somewhere, which says everything.”
This is a message from Panda customer support team, we wanted to thank you for your kind words!
As always, if there's anything that we can asist you with then please, feel free to get in contact.
Sweet Dreams,
Panda Team