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We don't have reviews for The Mooncup® Beginner Menstrual Cup B (Age 18-30). Please check back later.

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About Mooncup:

Mooncup® is the original, soft, medical-grade silicone menstrual cup designed by women as the convenient and eco-friendly alternative to tampons and pads. Tried and trusted since 2002 by millions of users around the world, the Mooncup menstrual cup offers an end to the waste, discomfort and expense of disposable sanitary protection.

The Mooncup is made in the UK by an ethical, employee owned company. We offer a unique Advice Service run by medical health professionals who can be contacted with any Mooncup usage queries – here to help you make the switch.

It is important to remember that the reviews are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit the FAQ section on our website: https://www.mooncup.co.uk/faqs/

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As a non binary person, I found the branding of disposable sanitary products overly “feminine”. On top of that, I was concerned about the environmental impact of throwing away into landfill so much plastic every month. Now I can use whichever public toilets I like at any time in the month. Though finding the right folding technique took a bit of time, I think I will be using product for a long time to come.
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I originally bought this because I was a tampon/pad user but I didn’t like the idea of the environmental impacts of disposable products. I have now used this for two months and although it was strange at first and a little bit harder to learn to use I am very happy with this product.
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An absolute game changer! I have a heavy flow and purchased this because I was so fed up of having to change my pad at least once an hour. It was so convenient and I actually only had to change it once a day. I found it much more comfortable than tampons which can be quite drying. I am a definite convert to menstrual cups.
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