“I live in Italy, bought a strap on november 17th, shipped by ordinary/air mail, the cheapest delivering method, strap never delivered. I asked the seller for help, I never got an answer. On 15th december got a full refund from PayPal, but I wanted that strap though, since I couldn't find a similar one from other sellers. So I ordered another one again the same day, this time I asked for courier (tracked and signed) shipping, the most expensive way, thinking I could track the shipping and have the strap in a few days as stated in Delivery & Shipping Terms section of their website. I had only the usual mail saying the parcel had been shipped, no tracking number, no notice about the courier used. Sent a mail to MKS after some days asking for clarification, no answer again.
I know we all are in the pandemic, I know it's Christmas holidays, I know about extra admin controls or a busy period of parcels, but an answer doesn't cost anything and could get a less unsatisfied customer.
I bought from MKS several time in the past, I cannot undestand, this time I bought two straps and got nothing, really upset.”
“Nice colour and appears well made. Has that little extra length for the bigger wrist. Only tiny criticism, actually more if an observation, is that the second keeper appears to be slightly to high for my taste.”