“Delicious cake beautifully preserved & delivered. My only complaint is the amount of plastic used to surround the tin during postage. Please make it recyclable paper or card”
Hi Adrienne
Thank you very much for taking the time to post a review. The plastic "void fill" we use is a waste product from the cake wrapping process. As the cakes are put through the flo wrapper, some waste is created and this is what we use in the despatch area and what you would have seen around your Simnel Cake in Gift Tin. We buy in biodegradable loose fill and paper void where we are obliged to buy new. We share your passion for keeping single use plastics to an absolute minimum. Thanks again and I'm so pleased you've been enjoying the cake.
“cake was beautiful loved it but did not require tin and I was charged for the tin which I did not request. There should be a short phrase like : Do you require tin YES/NO please tick your preference.......”
Thank you for your review Sheena. I'm so pleased you enjoyed the Simnel Cake. For a period this year, the Simnel Cakes were exclusively sold in our gift tins as they offer greater protection for the marzipan balls.