“The wood pellets are quite different to the Ooni hardwood ones, these are softwood and burn quite different. After trying both I prefer love logs ones because you have less of a problem with the hopper clogging because the pellets burn better leaving less ash - this frees up space in the fire box for more pellets! The hardwood ones leave a burnt out ashy shell which clogs the whole thing up a bit.
The tricky thing is that these burn quite a bit hotter so you need to use the flue control to reduce air flow slightly otherwise the over gets to 500 or more which is too hot really. The positive is that the oven recovers quickly after each pizza”
Hey Jonathan,
So good to get this feedback... we tested so many pellets and ultimately found that hardwood pellets weren't as clean burning as softwood, so it's so great to have this noticed and fed back! Also far better value 😃
Happy pizza making 🔥
Paul & Heather