“Hobbit Logs are just perfect for what I need they burn beautifully!
No nonsense purchase,fast delivery - would highly recommend- I will definately continue to purchase”
“We put in a small 3kw Hobbit wood burner into our kitchen and had difficuty fiding a log supplier locally who could supply logs the right size - plenty fr our main wood burner but not Hobbit size. We get them from Love Logs now and they are ideal, particularly when you use them with their kindling. All delivered in large recyclable cardboard boxes. Good procucts, excellent service.”
Thanks Steve, we really appreciate the lovely review!
Is it a cookstove? We just had a wood fired cook stove fitted this year, and I'm just getting to grips with it!
Stay toasty 🔥
“I love hobbit logs as they are the perfect size for my smaller stove. I put a couple at the base of my stack when starting a fire and they burn and last well. I've usually added own or two more logs before the hobbit logs are done. Perfect solution for smaller stoves that save the hassle of chopping up larger logs.”