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CNP Professional Cognizin 30 Capsules Reviews

5 Rating 3 Reviews
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Cognizin is essential brain food and considered one of the most effective nutrients/nootropic compounds you can take to help improve brain function. Think of Cognizin as a stim free pre-workout for your brain. In the same way you would prime the body for exercise you can prime the mind for mentally strenuous tasks. It is a powerhouse for promoting mental fortitude, helping you to process complex information better for sustained periods of time. Cognizin also has physiological benefits too, acting as a powerful antioxidant (reducing the production of free-radicals) and aiding in the maintenance of cell membranes within in the brain. Together these provide optimal conditions for brain function and offsetting the mental fog we pick up as we age, keeping our motor speed high and our attention sharp. DIRECTIONS FOR USETake 1 Capsule Daily NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Nutritional Information Per 1 Capsule Cognizin 400mg INGREDIENTSCiticoline (as Cognizin), Bulking Agents (Brown Rice Flour, Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide), Capsule Shell (Hypromellose)

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Neil Laiguille
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Posted 2 years ago
They assist in healthy braim function. Helping with focus and cognition and even aidiing im brain impairment due to stress and/or psuchiatric drugging that damages amd enslaves the soul mimd heart and body, enslaving the souls of men. Discovered when researching why cigarretes aid in removing some effwctvof psychiattic drugs- thia was one natural, non addictive chemical in the nicotine formula, that aids the brain and neurons in the brain (possibly nerve cells aswell) aiding recovery, and use by Your body, how it sees fit! Best dosing? Unknown Interactions with other chemicals and food stuffs- No.issues so far. Negative interactions? None that can be put purely down citocholine- Just be aware, that added alertness, focus, awareness, ease, (and so forth) aid your body receives, may! Bring up some personal issues that are occuring , or have occured that will need to be dealt with/resolved by yourself with Love, Hope and faith, and trust in God, even when it hurts. God bkess Finally, to improve the supplement further. I would firstly, substitute magnesium sterate and silicon dioxide(nano particle), for natural alternatives thatbdo the job just as well, well as the hypromellose shell. Clearer acknowledgements of if it is animal creulty free as far as it concerns the company? Thank you for making this product accesible at a fairer price in the UK- which is why i chose you over others, and also, i chose you because Your website was clear, and what the product was, and the benefits of the product were clear. Also, it did not appear at the time, that Your company were attempting to be malicious or deceptive with your product (as other supplement provides have done in th past, and likely currently somewhere in the world) - (when compared to similiar products sold by other firms - which are in my oppinion, a little pricey on their price point!). God bless, in Jesus Name.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
CNP Cognizin arrived on time and all good.....I'm a regular Cognizin customer and these caps seem really good value; so lets see. I've already ordered some more from London Supps...they seem interesting and will keep 'em in sight....
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago