“I thought my 3 year old granddaughter would love it but she and my other granddaughters aged 5 and 2 just raced through it as a tunnel then ignored it. My son said the colour is dull and it would have been nicer if it was pink! I think an actual tent or a beach tent would have been a better present.”
“My 11 year old Grandson loved this kit. He was walking around with it over his shoulder all afternoon and decided he would take it to ‘Go Ape’ the next day, which was his birthday treat with his friends.
He used the mug straight away for a cuppa with us when we gave him his gift. My husband helped him set up the shelter in the garden and later in the day my son sent a picture of Liam inside his sleeping bag inside the tent! He thinks it’s great.”
“I bought it for an 8-year-old boy as a birthday gift. He was over the moon. The quality looks really good too. A perfect gift to encourage children to spend more time outdoors.”