“Brilliant scooter, great how adaptable it is from toddler to child. It has very stable bottom so it’s difficult to tip over. When they are really little it does take a bit of practise dismounting.
It’s a great quality product and it looks and feels sturdy and stylish.”
“Brilliant scooter, great how adaptable it is from toddler to child. It has very stable bottom so it’s difficult to tip over. When they are really little it does take a bit of practise dismounting.
It’s a great quality product and it looks and feels sturdy and stylish.”
“18 m/old daughter absolutely loves her highway kick. It’s so easy to use she picked it up straightaway and the ride is really smooth. Really glad we bought it, and it should last us for a few years”
“Delighted with this product. Excellent quality.
Our only constructive criticism is the instructions were poorly written in tiny print and the diagrams were very poor. So poor it was very hard to see why the box contained a screwdriver/allen key. However, being fairly practical, we have successfully put it all together and it is a very good product.”