“This is a review for the V300 which is the highest price model. Obviously the price reflects the options of ball spin, speed and sweep. All can be controlled with the small remote that easily fits in your hand or pocket. Getting to know how to position the robot and what kind of settings you want to practice against takes some time and experimentation but once you get into the swing of a certain setting it's very easy to keep a rhythm going and then you simply adjust your return shot to learn the best technique.The sweep function is a lot of fun and can provide a good work out depending on how fast you want the balls delivered. Top speed is fun but too fast to be practical.I strongly recommend a back of the table catch net to save picking up all the balls but there will still be plenty of bending over to pick up the ones you miss or that the robot occasionally sends out at a strange angle. It's also important to ensure the balls go back in the hopper clean to avoid misfires or jamming so make sure to have a clean floor or wipe them before re-using.It's a lot of fun and very good for practice and of course there's nothing like the real thing but you can at least improve your skills without needing a patient and expensive coach to shoot balls over the net to you.There's lots of good tutorials on Youtube with instructions on how to use the V300 so check them out first to see if this is what you are looking for.”
“I bought this robot because sometimes i have days without anyone to play with me.This is the first time i tried a robot, i did not tried the previous editions.The robot is cool, not heavy, nice shape, does not take room when stored, easy to setup and to control.You can spend some hours practicing with it, testing your abilities on speed, returning balls, topspin and backspin and control your forehand and backhand.The only problem is sometimes a ball can be jammed and it stuck the engine to throw balls even when it still works.So it can be frustrating, losing momentum, you might need to shuffle the balls with your hand or pause it on the remote and play again, it can solve that problem.It is important to have a catching net while playing with the robot, no matter if you are an amateur or a pro, all balls will go to the floor and you will need to pick them from the floor. So with the catching net most of your balls will be blocked on the net and it easy to dropped them out back to a box placed beneath.Also, it is important to sweep your floor and room area everytime, because when some balls will land on the floor (unless you play without catching net so all balls will land on floor lol), they can collect some dust and you don't want to put dusty balls inside your robot (who knows, it might cause some jam balls).Usually when buying a robot, it goes with box of balls (72, 100, 144 etc.), there is no reason to play with robot with only few balls. So make sure to buy box of balls (ipong can hold 100 balls), plastic balls 40mm or 40+mm, do not be cheap on the balls.Also i recommend for beginners to buy a balls collector net, because it is easier to pick up the balls from floor without you to bend over (but again, make sure your floor is clean from dust to avoid dusty balls, you can also throw some air on balls or sweep with hand).It is a good robot, not too much expensive, if you decide to buy an ipong go for this v300, as far as i know, it is the best ipong.”
“Die Rollen für den Auswurf sind viel zu hart, dadurch fliegen die Bälle unkontrolliert in irgend eine Richtung! Das Gerät ist nach kurzer Zeit dadurch unbrauchbar. Ich habe das komplette Set gekauft und würde es nie wieder kaufen, obwohl der Rest (Das Auffangnetz und die Joola Bälle, die dabei waren von mir 5 Sterne bekommen hätten). Nie wieder TT Buddy Pro!”
“Il prodotto funziona come dovuto. Su Amazon non è chiarissimo la funzione dei vari modelli ma se cercate ttbuddy su internet trovate il sito (in inglese) del produttore ipong oltre a un sito dedicato proprio al roboto che chiarisce. Sostanzialmente vi è la versione economica verde che ha solo il topspin (effetto avanti) come regolazione, quella nera aggiunge telecomando, un topspin piu' potente, il backspin (effetto indietro, taglio), il telecomando, e non è a batteria ma a trasformatore. La versione amaranto che ho preso io aggiunge l'oscillazione cioè la possibilità di variare la direzione in cui viene scagliata la pallina. Credo che tutti e tre vanno integrate con l'acquisto della rete per trattenere le palline e di un 100 di palline. Utile anche un secchiello per raccoglierle dalla rete e una paletta con manico per quelle che finiscono in terra!.Io ho preso la versione top. Credo che sia utile per perfezionare il movimento del colpo perché trovare un compagno che non si rompa e ti tira 100 volte la stessa pallina è difficile. Migliora ovviamente anche la reattività perché le spara veloce. Un limite è che tira tutte le palline tese per cui non permette di esercitarti con le palle 'morte' (lente e a parabola) che a volte mettono in difficoltà i principianti. Topspin e backspin vanno regolati sempre insieme, cioè il backspin si ottiene mettendo piu' backspin che topspin. Se metti solo backspin oltre un minimo di potenza ti va fuori, se metti solo topspin ti va in rete.Su internet qualcuno si lamenta della durata della macchina, io l'ho usata poco per cui non so.”
“Seit ca. 8 Wochen wird der Buddy-Pro recht intensiv benutzt. Das Gerät ist sehr leicht (zu 99% Plastik), der mini Motor sieh auch sehr billig aus. Doch er funktioniert und mach einfach Spaß. Ab und an geht es nicht meh weiter und alle Bälle müssen entfernt werden. Die Regelung der Funktionen ist auch eher grob und manchmal funktioniert irgendwas dabei nicht. Meine Ansprüche als Anfänger sind eher bescheiden, daher bin ich mit dem Kauf zufrieden. Wenn was richtig Gescheides hersoll, muss man wahrscheinlich schon einen vierstelligen Betrag ausgeben...”
“Rapport qualité/prix excellent.Très pratique pour l'entraînement quand on est novice!Je recommande vraiment cet article.Le design et la couleur sont très sympa.”