“We purchased this for our outdoor ping pong table. The cover is designed to be used with the table up or flat. We don't store it flat, so not sure how well it protects that way, but when stored upright this cover is looking almost brand new after over a year of use. Velcro is sturdy and the fit is just right so that it doesn't really need to be strapped down. Stays in place and covers plenty of the table.”
“Great fit but not durable. We purchased this cover at the end of March 2023. By the end of May, one of the straps detached from the cover. In July we noticed more signs of ware. I would not recommend this product”
“Absolut unbrauchbar und zerstört die Tischtennisfläche! Nicht UV resistent-wenn Sonne raufscheint löst sich der ganze Kleber auf und verschmilzt mit der Aluplatte !Absolut verärgert da die Abdeckplane statt Schutz jetzt grösseren Schaden angerichtet hat.”