“Having had a Humax recorder for some considerable time that could record two programs at a time. Now being able to record four programs is a real step forward. Hence the 5- star rating.”
“Excellent product but let down by a lack of Support for Netflix and NowTV. Whilst both can be casted from a phone to the Aura, having to go outside of the Aura in order to watch these channels is really annoying. This needs to be resolved as it's a real deal breaker for many. Side loading both failed. Otherwise it's an excellent product but can never attain the 5 stars with two of our most popular streaming apps missing.”
“Easy to use and more versatile than my previous Humax PVR 5000 which gave an excellent quality performance. It is therefore very disappointing to experience frequent pixelation breakdown, unexpected freezing (both on live TV and recordings) and occasional audio glitches. My terrestrial TV antenna gives a sufficiently strong signal (measured!) and I have never had a problem with my Samsung Smart TV. Surely your team can provide a suitable sofware update to overcome these issues?”
“Bought this to upgrade from previous Humax box, attracted by £50 discount.
First box didn't work at all. Contacted customer service and box was replaced within a day.
New box easy to set up but couldn't get it to work, low channel count.
Contacted customer service again and they suggested plugging into dedicated electric plug. That did the trick and all channels set up.
I like the catch up feature on some channels.
If you switch to the program after it has started it gives you the option to watch live or watch from start. Pressing watch from the start automatically launches that programs catch up and plays the program.
Lots of other little enhancements I'm only finding out about by using.”