“Just amazing. I rarely give ratings, but my doctor wanted to put me on blood pressure medication before I started using this supplement. My blood pressure was really high when I went to the doctor's office, so the nurses made me sign off before I left. I told them it w hen you go to the doctor, you get nervous. It began to bother me, so I purchased an at-home blood pressure reader with an upper arm cuff and discovered that I was only half correct. My blood pressure was not as high as it had been in the doctor's office, but it was still dangerously high. Between 150 and 160 mmHg. I despise having to take medication. I usually find a natural solution...so I began looking. I came upon this and gave it a shot. I honestly had no idea what would happen, but my blood pressure dropped from 130/74 to 135/78 within 2-3 days. Very awesome!!!! :)”