“I despise the flavor of green tea, so I'm thrilled to have discovered a way to reap the advantages of green tea without having to consume it. I'll buy it again.”
“It appears to be working properly. I've lost weight, increased my activity, and my mood has improvedmy only desire is that each tablet included a higher, more strong dose. The customer service is fantastic- if you have any queries or issues, they promptly respond- I've ordered a bunch in the last month and it has really helped me clear up my skin all over... wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered wondered One that I can trust and that doesn't have any strange side effects.”
“Green tea is on its way back to me. I tried again, and the pricing was the same as before. My old container said it could hold 120 servings, so I checked it out (one pill a day, 120 pills). Health's Harmony decided to increase their price per serving because this new container gives me 60 servings (120 pills, but serving size is 2 pills). And isn't that a bit obnoxious, and certainly not the way to treat a loyal customer?”