“This is the most effective supplement for naturally lowering blood pressure among everything else that I hthat I've tried. When I run out of these capsules, I notice a significant difference compared to when I have this in my system.”
“My blood pressure rate wasbordering on hypertension when I started using this. Now my blood pressure is no longer in the hypertension range after using this product for a while.”
“After 14 days, myBP has began to trend somewhat lower, but it is still too early to know if this is due to the supplement, mylifestyle changes, or both. When the bottle is opened, there is a strong garlic odor, but I am glad that there areno garlic taste or burps.”
“It does aid in lowering my blood pressure. When I drink coffee, my blood pressure can rise upto 140/90. When I take thisproduct, I am able to maintaina 120/80 ratio.”
“It does exactly what it says it does, and I don't have to take a drug with numerous negative effects. I detest prescription medications that claim to do everything. Taking a natural supplement like this feels like you are telling your bodythat it matters.”