“In the last few months, my top number has decreased by at least 20 points. How? I started takingthis supplementand quit eating salty cured meat for lunch and started rowing.I was also taking an omega 3 vitamin and another bloodsupplement, so it is actuallydifficult to pinpoint one factor.”
“I amalmost done with my first bottle, and I take 2 to 3 pillsper day. My blood pressure is substantially lower than it was before I started taking it, therefore I believe it is working. My blood pressure is under control with prescriptionmedication, but it was still higher than I preferred before using thissupplement. This product appears to be working perfectly!”
“My 50-year-old husband has been using these vitamins for approximately two months now. His blood pressure was 159/80 when he first started taking these. I check his blood pressure once a week and it was in the range of160-170 or 75-85. His most recent blood pressure reading was 170/81. I don't think this supplement is helping him, and notably there were times when hisblood pressure wasslightly raised. However, there are no negative side effects, just that the pills have a slight garlic odor. Anyhow, I think someone else might find this supplementuseful, so go give it a try.”
“I've been taking blood pressure medicine for quite awhile nowand have substantially changed my food and drinking habits as well. I hadhoped that changes in my eating and drinking habits wouldbe sufficient to wean myself frommy prescription. To begin, I tried going down to just half atablet. After around two weeks of doing this though, my blood pressure became highly unpredictable, so I went back to my meds' full dosage. Thereafter Idecided to test this supplement,along with other healthsupplements that I was taking.My blood pressure readings have since improvedin the last two weeks since I started taking this supplement. I have planned to continue taking this for another month before switching back to taking just half of my tablet prescripiton.So far, everything has gone well with this.”
“My blood pressure has been steadily declining since I started taking this supplement. Because I am not experiencing any negative effects, this appears to be the real deal. This is crucial to me, and I occasionally combine it with black seed oil supplement alsofrom Health'sHarmony, which also containsomega 3 fatty acids. Ihave justplaced another order of this supplementand will continue to use it.”
“Taking this supplement has resulted in a significant rise in ringing in myears. My resting heart rate alsoincreased. I have also been burping garlic and experiencingan upset stomach Additionally, I hadflushed skin and elevated blood pressure. For this supplement to work much better with no side effects, I used (1) Now Water Out for a better diuretic,(2) Now blood pressure support, which containsonly standardized grapeseed extract and hawthorn),and (3) Country Life Coenzyme B-complex for the B vitamins that I need. Then I added unscented old Kyolic garlic and some hi. biscus tea as well. And that's it. The Olive Leaf Extract is not required. Although this product is inexpensive, I don't think it is worth my$18.”
“For years, my blood pressure has been somewhat above the level it is supposed to be at. I am 51 years old.I live an active lifestyle and maintain a clean, healthy diet. Yet despite this, my blood pressure was frequently in the "pre-hypertensive" zone, occasionally rising to actual hypertension. So you can definitely imagine how happy I have become that since using this herbal supplement, my numbers have been constantly in the green zone. I am telling you, I amcompletely satisfied with this supplement!”