Directions for use (for your dog or cat or rabbit)
Any excess moisture can be gently mopped up with a cotton wool swab. DO NOT REMOVE WAX. Under normal circumstances powder should NOT be put into the ears, but brown wax acts as a cork.
Get the animal in a good position lying on its side. With cats this can be difficult and help may be needed. Give the animal some love, apply a pinch of powder using the end of a small spoon. Lightly dust around the inner ear, avoiding the ear hole. Gently massage it in with your fingers from the outside. Apply Thornit twice a day. Relief comes with the first dose, but the treatment should continue for 1-5 days (usually 3). When the brown wax starts to move, stop treating, as this means the mite is dead, and the wax will come away, pushing out the powder and leaving a clean ear. A pinch of Thornit in each ear once a week will keep the animal free from re-infection.
For breeds with long ears it is advisable to dip the ends of the ears in Thornit once a week.
Thornit can also be used for stripping hair from ears. Apply half teaspoon to the hair. This makes it much easier to finger pull the hair, as it comes away easily.
Instructions for intense stratching
General: Dust Thornit powder lightly onto the skin. If the animal has long hair, part with a comb and feed a trickle of Thornit powder to the exposed skin. A little powder goes a long way.
Anus Itching: If your animal is pulling it's bottom along the floor, and it is not gland trouble, then mites could have made a breeding bed under the tail.
Application: Apply a tiny amount of cream or Vaseline to the finger of a glove and dip into the Thornit powder. Apply to just under tail, where necessary.
Itchy Paws: Mites can get between the claws, making the animal at first constantly licking the paw, turning the pads to jelly. Then they tear out the fur, and finally nibble until there are open sores.
Application: Hold the paw in a plastic bag containing a small amount of Thornit powder. Work powder between claws, into pads and a little way up the leg.
For all treatments only a very small amount of Thornit is needed per dose. Comes with full instructions for use.
Note: contents may settle so shake well before use.
For all treatments only a very small amount of Thornit is needed per dose. Care should be taken, as lodoform can stain a pale carpet or furnishings.
For external use only. Keep out of reach of children.
It is not recommended to use Thornit on Whelping Bitches and puppies under 6 months old.
If your pet is not responding well and / or is in any discomfort, then consult your Vet.
12 Dalby Court Gadbrook Business Centre Northwich Cheshire CW9 7TN