“Well, at first I thought this was a great starter vape kit. But since my first lot of juice ran out and I purchased replacement coils (same as what came with the kit) and replacement tanks, all Voopoo branded, the damn thing leaks all the time. I spend more time cleaning it than using it. Very disappointing from what appeared to be a great little device.. Certainly wouldn't recommend.”
“I just recently bought a voopoo drag x from the grey haze store and it can next day perfectly packed and in amazing way. I am very pleased and will order from here again soon.”
“I recently decided to switch from smoking to vaping and even though i already vapes felt i had to buy a new one to really commit. i saw online that this had leaking issues but i haven't had any problems with it. It produces good vapour, charges fast, is easy to fill and because of the leather part feels nice to hold. I would highly recommend to anyone! :)”
“This vape is one of my first proper vapes and I was very pleased when it arrived, simple instructions to set up and easy access to pour in your liquid. Burns well and is not too heavy!”