“I'm a big fan of most VGOD juices, that's purely because of the quality of the juice itself, even ones I don't like... like this one.
I found this to be too funky, too sour and like haribo made for Halloween or some such thing, if you can remember those cola bottles that were coated in that sour sugar then you'll also remember whether you liked them or not, this was a marmite flavour for me, it was just too cheek watering with a flavour that just didn't smack of anything and more like everything!
My youngest finished this off and thought it quite good, but even he found getting through this a bit too much at times.
I vape 2 flavours at a time, this I could vape with anything as it's very unique.
This is a good liquid if you like crazy flavour vapes, in fact very good, just because it's not my cup-of-tea I didn't hate it, in-fact I think it's so diverse that I have to recommend it purely because there is little else like it and it does have a flavour mix that works, just not for me in anything other than very small doses!”