Nepeta or commonly known as Catnip, they have heavenly fragrant foliage fills the whole garden. They have heart shaped greyish green leaves that have mases of flowers that are in clusters towards the tip of the stems, that last ages through the summer. Nepeta easy to grow and like to be planted in poor or good soil and in sun or semi shade. Nepeta Faassenii Walkers Low has deep blue-mauve flowers, the leaves silvery and aromatic,, height can reach 60cm If you have cats you will be their best friend, they love these plants and can play with them for ages.
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01565 722766
Grasslands Nursery, Free Green Lane, Lower Peover, knutsford,
Grasslands Nursery, Free Green Lane, Lower Peover, knutsford
Cheshire East
WA16 9QY