Trachelospermum are a evergreen twining climber with glossy dark green leaves which turn bronze-red in winter. Pure white highly perfumed flowers are produced in mid and late summer. Trachelospermum are best to plant against a warm wall or in a sheltered position in the full sun. Trachelospermum jasminodes is a vigorous medium-sized evergreen twining woody climber with glossy dark green, oval leaves 5-8cm in length and often turning deep red in winter; clusters of very fragrant white flowers 2.5cm in width become cream .Will grow to the height of the support around it.
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01565 722766
Grasslands Nursery, Free Green Lane, Lower Peover, knutsford,
Grasslands Nursery, Free Green Lane, Lower Peover, knutsford
Cheshire East
WA16 9QY