“The release mechanism is FAR to strong , it is actually painful to collapse the knife and takes considerable effort, opening the knife also takes direct concentration and of allot of practice to do it one handed, until these design flaws are rectified i would not recommend this product nor would i buy from Gerber again”
“Before I purchased the Paraframe II SS Knife was one of life’s losers. Women laughed at me, men shunned me and when I went to the beach, small children would kick sand in my face. My boss didn’t know who I was and my co-workers thought I was employed by another company.
Then I purchased the Paraframe II SS Knife and my life changed. From the moment I got the knife, I developed a personality and instantly became a raconteur, bon vivant and a fellow well met. I have now gone on to qualify as a Navy SEAL, a stealth fighter pilot and a Major in the SAS where I have survived countless incursions behind enemy lines.
In addition, I frequently like to tread water for three consecutive days and once, single-handedly, killed a 5-meter long Cayman crocodile. In my spare time I remodel aircraft terminals with emphasis on conservational issues and I also act as a consultant on Time Management skills to the elderly and lecture on Medieval Tapestries to the infirm. In addition, I am now also a frequent flyer.
More recently, I have become a renowned expert in urban hang gliding techniques, winner of bull fights in San Juan, cliff-diving competitions in Sri Lanka and spelling bees in the Kremlin.
Men admire me and when women see the size of my Points, they want to marry me – and yes, it’s all thanks to the Paraframe II SS Knife.”
“Great little knife although the blade became quite wobbly after only light use. I am sure it is an easy fix however and is just a case of finding the right bit to tighten it back up.”