Natural Fruit and Vegetable Nematodes Reviews

4.9 Rating 34 Reviews
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These Natural Fruit & Vegetable Nematodes are the simple solution to control cabbage root fly,  cutworm, onion fly, sciarids, gooseberry sawfly, thrips, box moth, codling moth, caterpillars and many more destructive pests challenging the grow your own gardener.
Containing a unique mix of nematodes, this pack is an extremely effective way of controlling multiple pests throughout the season giving you strong and healthy crops. It positively reduces the difficulty of identifying and controlling specific pest problems whilst being environmentally friendly and safe for children, pets and wildlife
Natural Fruit & Vegetable Nematodes are available in a pack to treat 60m2 of open ground, or up to 2 trees for Codling Moth.
The nematodes come complete with instructions and can be applied using a watering can or nematode applicator. You just apply to moist soil when the soil temperature is above 5ºC (41ºF) and ensure the soil does not dry out for at least two weeks after applying nematodes. Nematodes are capable of surviving the odd frost; so don't worry if the temperature falls after you have applied the nematodes.
Delivery is completely free when just ordering nematodes. Should you purchase any other items then our standard delivery charge will apply.
Please note Nematodes are live material and cannot be returned. They will usually have an expiry date of around 2 weeks. The effectiveness can sometimes vary due to external factors.

About Gardening Naturally:

Gardening Naturally is a family run business which specialises in a range of natural and organic gardening products.

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Unit 27 Blackworth Industrial Estate

Did the product suit your needs? yes
We had a major outbreak of sciarid flies on house plants and seedlings in our kitchen. This nematode had made a significant impact on them alongside yellow sticky traps which on their iwn were not having any significant effect. I will certainly use again if needed.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Did the product suit your needs? yes
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Posted 1 year ago
Did the product suit your needs? yes
I've ordered these nematodes before and they work well. Happy to order again and received my first parcel on the date stated. Easy to use too.
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Posted 1 year ago
Did the product suit your needs? yes
Seems to work - though the gooseberry sawfly do come back, it's difficult to be sure that you've hit them all!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
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Posted 2 years ago
Did the product suit your needs? yes
This is my second season of using these nematodes on my fruit and veg. The difference they made to my produce last years was amazing. Slug damage almost none, no carrot root fly and veg seemed much healthier too.
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Posted 2 years ago
Did the product suit your needs? yes
This is my second year using nematodes to treat aphids and thrips, amongst other things. They work well and the delivery service to have them sent every 4-5 weeks is fantastic
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Posted 2 years ago
Did the product suit your needs? yes
It is early days, but nematodes hold a lot of promise for preventing sawfly (in particular), so I am waiting with baited breath to see how well this works.
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Posted 2 years ago