“Dear Sir or Madam,
Yes, your magnets have helped me considerably, Which could have wide sweeping benefits for your company. ((( IE ))) (((Loads more orders))) Let me explain. !!!!! There is a new therapy for Depression etc. etc. etc. etc. approved by ((( N I C E))) ((( NATIONAL INSITUTE OF CLINICAL EXCELLENC ))) The therapy is called, TRANSCRANAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION. There are now, clinics all over the country. In short, in such a clinic, a powerful magnetic pulse, is placed, on the head scalp Just above the the pre frontal cortex, Once per day, for approx. 15 to 20 days. which supposedly cures the person of depression etc. etc. In my case does and did.
The therapy in very expensive though, � 3, 000 for a 3 week period. but your magnets are very much affordable, less than � 10 including package and posting. So I used my common sense, and I placed your magnets above the prefrontal cortex and held them in position with a cap of sorts. 28 days later I'm much better, free from depression. Just like the clinic would of hoped to of achieved.
Please read, and digest, but do not otherwise print my story or email address to other such persons, though if your good selves want to get back to me then great please do so.