“I was on Original Formula before and loved it but switched to Pregnancy Formula because I am now trying for a baby. I feel just as energised as I did with Original and my monthly cycle is really predictable and easier than it was before I started Equi. Thanks so much!”
“I've been on the Pregnancy Formula and Pregnancy Oil subscription for 3 months and they are easy to take and seem to be doing me good. Always delivered on time with lots of useful information. Thanks Equi”
“Getting in touch to say how much I love this product! I took it for my whole pregnancy and now 3 months into breastfeeding. I've been lucky enough to feel well throughout and have hardly lost any hair following birth which is a bonus. Thanks Equi!”
“A friend recommended these to me when I was trying for a baby. I'm now 5 months pregnant and have loved knowing I'm fueling my body and baby with the best vitamins. They are a little more than I'd usually spend but it's definitely worth the investment. Thanks”
“I suffered with really low iron in my first pregnancy and was recommended this by my nutritionist as a great prenatal vitamin that contains a good form of iron. I'm now 7 months in and so far so good!”
“I've been taking the Equi Pregnancy formula for most of my pregnancy and I've been feeling great. I had a bit of morning sickness and low energy in the first trimester but apart from that have felt great. My skin has been clear this time around and my immunity has been surprisingly good too, which I definitely put down to taking these. I plan to take them when breastfeeding for an extra boost.”