“After trying to nick the boyfriends lynx last year, I have bought my own. I'm in Norway and loving them on the ice...cheers Dicks climbing for fab crampons and great customer service!”
“The missus tiny toes have proved a problem with crampons in the past only solved by mix and matching several different types of crampon. Double annoying as that meant I had to climb on the bits left over!
Anyway, lynx solves all that. On the basis that a solid fit is the over riding requirement for a crampon/ boot set, then you're more likely to get it right with a lynx than any other crampon out there.
Add in the mono or double vertical front point on a reasonably light semi flexible frame, and you've got a crampon that hits virtually all the spots across the whole range of modern ice, winter, or alpine style.
Unless you want something supe specific- eg a really lightweight single point for water ice- then it's hard to see how this crampon can be topped.”