“I'm nit sure if I got the right one as it didn't look like the picture. It was a grey bottle. Is that right? I wanted the age smart daily superfolient”
Hello, thank you for your message. Just to reassure you, this is the correct product! Sometimes the packaging differs depending on size and if its a limited addition holiday one etc. If you ever have any other product queries please reach out to ecomcustomerservice@dermalogica.com and they will be able to assist you.
“I absolutly love this scrub! it makes my skin feel so smooth and clean. I'm of dark skin but it brightens it up and makes it glow. I have oily skin and this helps to keep the oil at bay.”
Hi Sarah, Thank you for your review, we're so glad you're enjoying our Daily Superfoliant and that it works well with your skin! Please feel free to join us on live chat through our Dermalogica website if you have any questions surrounding our products.
“My skin feels lovely and smooth
I was bought some products from dermatologica for a birthday. I find using the exfoliant prior to other treatment
ie retinols moisturisers really makes a difference”
Hi Bernadette, Thank you for your review, we're so glad you're enjoying our Daily Superfoliant and that it works well with your skin! Please feel free to join us on live chat through our Dermalogica website if you have any questions surrounding our products.
“I have been using Dermalogica for over tens years and I’m a real advocate but I’m not too keen on any of the daily microfoliants, simply because they are a bit faffy: I can’t keep my bottle in the shower as it does get moist over time and clogs up (from experience!) but using it over the sink isn’t great as it’s not convenient. I also find getting the right consistency requires attention. However, saying all that, it is a very good product so whilst I won’t use it every day, I will endeavour to use it often. I just wish I could keep it in the shower.”