“Ageas was great but suffers a reduced score because of an upsetting piece of correspondence that I received from them which frightened and alarmed me. The problem that I experienced was actually caused by Covena Insurance who had not updated the data record source used by insurance companies so Ageas caused a bit of a hiccup suggesting a past collision was blameworthy and we had not declared this and unless I provided proof of non-blameworthiness, I had to bay nearly £300.00 extra. I had to ask my son to dig up the historical paper records that he religiously maintains for me, to find the letter from Covena in 2021, confirming it was NON-blameworthy and he sent a formal complaint to Covena for their lack of attention to detail when closing the claim down. This whole affair was very distressing to me, I am 86 years old, and things like this really affect my wellbeing!
READERS!!! This is a REGULAR thing to be aware of because the EXACT same issue was experienced by another family member, albeit with a different insurer.
If you have a NON-FAULT decision from your insurer, WRITE to them to confirm they have populated the online platform that other insurers look at to check a customer's driving history.
I hope this is of assistance to someone!”