“The birds love it, there is really hardly any waste at all and at the prices that Burnhills charge it is a no-brainer purchase. They are consistently the cheapest and have free delivery so all around I am extremely happy.”
“I decided to splash out on this bird feed as I had been buying much cheaper food from other brands. I normally buy the round suet balls thinking it was best, how wrong I was. I sat watching the birds peck away at the old food I had bought and noticed they were pecking and dropping a large amount. I looked into why and found out cheaper food is packed with filler wheat and little seed. I spent an hours online researcing which food was better for the birds. I came across this brand, reviews were very good so I ordered and it was delivered the next morning. (outstanding preformance) Within a day the birds were not pecking and dropping food, they were nibbling away happily. It is more expensive but I felt it was more than worth it.”