“As I run kennels with many rescue dogs, tummy upsets come as part of the job __ I have used this product now with 2 dogs that had upset tummies and it has worked wonders, thank you.”
“My "new" dog had a tummy upset due to change of circumstances. I had been using tablets with kaolin base for two days with no effect.After an Amazon search I saw Tummy Settler, it arrived the day after ordering with Amazon Prime and after first dose an amazing change. Best product for this problem I have ever tried.”
“Helped me to sort my dogs tummy upset over a bank holiday. When I got him to the vet he was almost better and needed only dietary food to carry on the good work.”
“My dog regularly has collitis and after going to the vets numerous times it continued because she likes to eat everything on walks. It normally lasts over a week and is just water diarrhoea and blood. On the second day I looked and found this product. Gave her a dose when it arrived the next morning and another dose in the evening and she had no more diarrhoea! I was shocked and happy it had worked so well. Have recommended to all her doggy friends”