“After 4 weeks .2 vet visits . Know after reviews re this product I am so so relieved my little poodle after only one dose of 5ml . She didn't like the smell or taste so put in food then no problem A much more settled & happier dog .Stools very good consistency no scooting at all. Highly recommended. Thankyou so much.”
Hi Debbie, I'm sorry to hear our product wasn't able to help. Could I ask, does your do have any underlying issues? Did you try again and did the same thing happen? How has your dog been since?
“Was at my wits end roxy bi uhad a tummy problem over a week with food poisoning due to my freezer playing up super tummy instant came within 24 hours and after the first couple of doses her tummy had begun to settle and her motions were so much firmer within 2-3days she was back to normal so yes I would recommend to any doggy parent if your pooch has poorly tummy try super tummy instant”