“I was a bit sceptical about the price of the 300g bag but after our cocker lost a lot of weight after we switched foods, we decided to give this a try on a whim. After only 2 weeks, he's gained all of the weight back and is looking so much healthier. The powder is palatable and he's eaten it on top of his food with no problems. I would really recommend anyone to give this a try if they have a dog to who struggles to maintain weight like ours. Buddy and Lola's weight gainer is all natural and it's worked, so it was completely worth the money. We'll have no hesitation purchasing from Buddy and Lola in the future.
Thank you!
@thespanielsandus on Instagram”
“Our re-homed 4yr old PWD girl has newly diagnosed colitis/ IBD so she lost A LOT of weight through ongoing diarrhoea (over 3kg) in a matter of weeks. She was fussing over food and wouldn’t eat. She used to be quite chunky but had become really thin. We tried the weight gainer for about a week and she still didn’t seem interested and was still losing weight despite all the great reviews. So we took her to the vets and they diagnosed Colitis/ IBD and treated with steroids and antibiotics. After a couple of days her appetite came back with a vengeance- we continued with the weight gainer and are now on our 2nd pack with what seems to be good results- she has put quite a lot of weight back on and her ribs and hips are not as prominent. Her coat seems in better condition- whether this is because of the weight gainer or the fact she is now eating full meals twice daily or a combination of both I’m not sure but either way I’m happy she’s gaining weight and looking miles better. I suppose she was quite an extreme case and she has put weight on a lot quicker than I would have expected. It is definitely worth trying if your dog is a bit on the slim side and you want to add some extra calories. Also it does not seem to have upset her tummy the way most new products do. I would advise it might be worth getting a vet to review if there is no improvement after a few days just incase something medical is going on which needs treatment. Otherwise seems a really good product.”
“My dog ate it just fine mixed in with his food but he’s still bony. Not sure what I was expecting and maybe my expectations were too high but he’s still skinny and it’s made no difference what so ever.”
“Our 13 year old lab is losing weight due to a neuro degenerative condition & we are trying anything & everything to try & maintain her weight. On top of this she has become a very fussy eater - I thought this would be a good addition to her diet. How wrong could I be - she absolutely refused to eat anything with it mixed in. Turned out to be yet another waste of money.”