“A decent smoker with enormous volume. I had trouble with a door sensor but the guys at BBQland sorted me out as they always do, very helpful. If you need to smoke 5 turkey crowns at once (which I've done) or multiple pork shoulders or racks of ribs this is the smoker for you as it has 4/5 racks. The downside is that it takes quite a bit of charcoal and wood over time if you're smoking just one thing. The digital aspect is nice for convenience but I still find myself babysitting due to quirks. The meat temp. sensors are handy and accurate. The app isn't really all that useful, it has a hard time synching with the smoker about 50% of the time. Overall it's a good consumer unit, useful for a home and a couple times a month. The build is quality is average, the metal is somewhat thin, I added some rope tape to the door to improve the seal. Pretty easy to clean but the glass front need to be cleaned everytime if you want to see what's going on inside, elbow grease spray does the trick. Again, the smoker has it's quirks that you need to get used to, occasionally the fan at the bottom can sometimes be intermittent with it either not turning off making the smoker get too hot so you have to cool the smoker down or going on and off repeatedly. I check the sensors pretty regularly and clean them which helps.”