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Care Home Menu Book Reviews

4.8 Rating 5 Reviews

The Care Home Menu Book provides full-colour images and text of popular food and drinks for use in care homes.21 laminated A5 pages74 different options of food and drink3 reusable "white-board" pages; for adding custom mealsAll pages easily wiped clean and contained in a ring-bound bookPicture menus for care homes have many advantages over the standard methods of taking drink and meal requests from residents. The combination of a colourful image and text helps people with cognitive loss make an informed choice on their eating habits.Picture Menus for DementiaPeople with memory impairment and cognitive loss can be very easily influenced, when unsure of a decision they may simply take a guess. This can vary from repeating what the person next to them has requested, to naming the first food that comes to their mind.There is also large amounts of evidence that shows that providing residents with a name and image is the best method, as this stimulates both the visual and language areas of the brain, increasing the chance of accurate memory recall.Picture menus for dementia also present older patients with multiple clear options and on a one-to-one basis, the decision that is made is more likely to be their own, and one they are happy with.Advantages over fixed menu boards There are some advantages of using picture menu cards for dementia patients, in comparison to fixed menu boards in care homes:Menu boards can be hard to read for residentsThe more options that are available on a menu board, the smaller the text, increasing the reading difficultyIf many choices are offered on one large board, it can cause confusionLarger and more complicated menu boards have a higher cost The Care Home Menu Book only has 4 options per page, this reduces 74 total options to smaller and more manageable sections. These 74 options are also grouped depending on meal time and similarities.

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024 7642 2224




Unit 2, 68 Bayton Road, Exhall

Very nice, as described.
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Great item, bought for my father who has dementia.
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The menu book is perfect for my mum and the care home she’s in , they do most of the meals etc in the book , and show her before each meal time as she can’t make choices and decisions without pictures.
1 Helpful Report
Mrs Jacqueline H
Verified Reviewer
The product was excellent and the service was also excellent
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