A Replica Pack is a collection of high quality reproduced paper memorabilia, packaged in a clear bag with header cardA diverse range of replica packs, both fascinating in content and brilliantly reproducedEach item is carefully scanned and printed as close to the original as possible, resulting in a carefully selected mix of items, producing a sense of 'being there' for the readerThese prove popular with young and old alike and can be used as helpful aids in school projectsContentsPrestatyn Holiday Camp (1959), Colourful fold out brochure, Book Early !! - Lathom House (c. 1950's) - a pamphlet from a typical seaside hotel. Postcard Images: 'Suacy' postcards and other nostalgic images, Pontin's (Summer 1969) - Abridged programme, stuffed with photos and adverts.- Misc ephemera - including train timetables and deckchair tickets - 1930's Boxing Flyer. Fabulous summer night of boxing at Morecambe. - I-Spy at the Seaside. Fabulous 1950's booklet packed with activities.
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